The TRAEX Tactical Solutions LLC safety seminars empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect themselves and stay safe in various situations. Those taking the seminars are educated about how to identify potential risks and hazards they may encounter in their daily lives, such as street crime, home invasions, or workplace violence. By increasing risk awareness, participants can recognize potential dangers and take proactive measures to prevent or avoid them. This can include learning situational awareness, understanding common modus operandi of criminals, and implementing preventive measures like home security or personal safety protocols. The seminars discuss emergency preparedness; online safety and cybersecurity, safety concerns in the workplace, while traveling, attending school and or church.


This seminar will provide students a myriad of personal safety considerations, techniques, and tools to be applied while attending college, and in daily life.
This seminar provides a foundation of personal safety and situational awareness techniques, to be used throughout one's personal life and daily activities.
This seminar will cover safety and security topics while traveling domestically in the United States.
Learn how to implement effective parental controls to safeguard your children's online experiences.
This seminar will cover safety and security topics surrounding international travel.
This seminar covers topics such as stranger danger, internet safety, traffic safety, personal safety, and emergency preparedness.
This seminar provides new parents with the knowledge and skills you need to keep their infants and young children safe at home.


This seminar helps you identify, understand, and abate the current day threats that a real estate agent may face during the first meeting with clients, open houses, maintenance appointments, inspections, as well as in your daily life.
This seminar provides you with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to help stabilize yourself, or a patient and get them to the emergency room as quickly, and as safely as possible.
This seminar provides you with facts related to mass shooting incidents, as supported by data collected from 48 mass shootings. We will assist you in answering the question - what can be done to counter this threat?
This seminar teaches participants how to identify and avoid dangerous situations, such as street crime and home invasions.
This seminar provides foundation of safety techniques, precautions, situational awareness, and assessments needed to help protect your church and congregation.
This seminar will help you create a plan of action, and when to execute that plan. Understand the need for contingency planning and know when to report suspicious activities to the authorities.


This seminar teaches you to have a personal safety strategy in place before you need it. You will learn tips and techniques you need to be alerted to dangerous situations and avoid confrontation with a criminal.
This seminar will teach the importance of using a firearm responsibly and ethically for personal protection, having a proper mindset for using a firearm while facing a life-threatening encounter.
This seminar teaches you techniques on how to respond to violent encounters outside the home and the potential emotional, legal and social aftermath of a defensive shooting.

TRAEX Also Offers the Following

Training Courses on a Limited Basis  

Taking a personal safety course can provide you with valuable tools and techniques to protect yourself and those around you. It will help you develop a sense of confidence and self-assurance, which can be invaluable in a potentially dangerous situation. By investing in your personal safety, you are taking an important step towards creating a safer and more secure future for yourself and your loved ones. TRAEX Tactical Solutions LLC provides safety courses to give you the skills and confidence needed to build you confidence, skills and empowerment for your daily life.

TRAEX Concealed Carry

TRAEX Firearms and concealed carry certification – Virginia Course

The Concealed carry course is a training program designed to educate individuals on the safe and responsible use of firearms for personal protection. The course is designed for individuals who want to obtain a Virginia concealed carry permit.

USCCA Conceal Carry Course

USCCA Conceal carry Course

The USCCA concealed carry course is a training program designed to educate individuals on the safe and responsible use of firearms for personal protection. The course is designed for individuals who want to obtain foundation of pistol firearm skills with the focus on concealed carry.

Pistol Image

NRA Basic pistol course

The NRA Basic Pistol Course teaches individuals the fundamentals of safely handling, using, and maintaining a pistol. The course is typically designed for beginners with little to no experience with firearms and is often a prerequisite for more advanced training.

Shotgun Image

NRA Basic Shotgun course

The NRA Basic Shotgun Course teaches individuals the fundamentals of safely handling, using, and maintaining a shotgun. The course is designed for beginners with little to no experience with firearms and is often a prerequisite for more advanced training.